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Eat Your Habitat is the first catering 

*Bio Generative in the world

Eat Your Habitat is a gastronomic experience that revolutionizes the concept of sustainability.

We offer catering for events, catering in natural places, private and corporate dinners, cocktail parties and gourmet tastings, all characterized by apositive and conservative environmental impact.

Eat Your Habitat is the first *Bio-Generative catering service in the world because through the exploration of uncontaminated natural environments and the collection of invasive and non-native wild botanical ingredients, it makes it possible to create dishes with unique flavors, contributing to therebalancing of ecosystems. 

Le nostre partnership 

Le Partership
Jane Goodal Italia

The Jane Goodall Institute-Italy for Man, Animals, the Environment (JGI Italy) is an Environmental Protection organization that also deals with the development of youth policies aimed at creating civil responsibility and eco-compatible behavior in the new generations.  

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Certified B Corp, this social company fights the climate crisis by promoting sustainable development and reforestation to restore areas at risk of biodiversity.

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 Wooding Wild Food Lab collaborates with pro-sustainability companies. Each customer becomes a partner in green innovation, transcending conventional sustainability for bio-generative and conservation practices.

Get in touch with Eat Your Habitat

To talk to us about your project you can fill out the form below or if you have something urgent to tell us call us on + 39 348 8848713



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Eat Your Habitat

Eat Your Habitat goes beyond environmental sustainability

With Eat Your Habitat, our passion for nature and research become a gastronomic experience that combines uniqueness, sophistication and sustainability. This commitment starts from the research of Valeria Margherita Mosca, pioneer of conservative foraging since 2012, an innovative approach conceived by Wooding Wild Food Lab which provides protocols of responsible collection of wild ingredients, with an eye for invasive or destabilizing botanical species for the habitats in which we operate, promoting the development and conservation of native biodiversity.

The image shows two hands of a person gently touching a group of green clovers. The clovers appear to be on damp ground or in a wooded area, given the darkness around and the apparent humidity that can be observed. The right hand seems to reach out and touch the clovers, while the left hand is positioned higher up, almost in an observation or pause attitude
Wooding Wild Food Lab
The image shows a person's hand resting on a moss-covered tree trunk. The hand appears extended with fingers spread apart, touching the moss. The context suggests a forest environment, with other trees and rocks visible blurry in the background. The lighting is dim, which may indicate that the photo was taken on an overcast day or in a shaded area of the woods

Wooding Wild Food Lab: Looking for the Taste of Sustainability

Wooding Wild Food Lab it is the beating heart of Eat Your Habitat, pushing the boundaries of contemporary cuisine towards new horizons of sustainability. The laboratory is dedicated to the scientific classification and valorization of ingredients  wild botanists with a special focus on invasive or non-native ones present in an area, offering a way to rebalance ecosystems and reconnect with nature.

Foraging Conservativo

Conservative Foragingand collaboration with the environment.

Eat Your Habitat brings the wealth of knowledge linked to the recognition and collection of wild plants contemporary, not only to remember a more authentic past, but to create a more sustainable and proactive future for the conservation of natural habitats.​

​Our mission is to use gastronomy to counter the expansion of invasive plant species by incorporating them into our high-quality cuisine. Thus the targeted collection of invasive species, which are difficult to eradicate, can limit their spread and preserve the balance of ecosystems. Therefore, with our recipes we not only offer a unique gastronomic experience, but we actively contribute to itenvironmental Protection. Every dish, every drink is a piece of a larger puzzle: a tasting experience that brings us back to a close and cooperative relationship with nature.

The image shows two people walking on a grassy slope in a mountain landscape. The ground appears to be covered with dense spring or summer vegetation, probably crocuses, given their shape and color. Snow-capped mountains can be seen in the background, which may suggest that the image was taken during the months when the snow is melting in the higher areas but not yet in the valley. The two people are dressed in hiking clothing and appear to be moving.
The image depicts a pair of hands wearing gardening gloves delicately holding a young fir or pine plant. The ground below appears to be dry and covered in pine needles or other organic material typical of the undergrowth. Attention is focused on the hands and the plant, suggesting a gardening or reforestation activity. The light and composition give the impression of a peaceful scene, perhaps captured during an outdoor activity
Wild mixology 2

Wild Mixology:with Wooding Lab mixing foraging becomes a book

Recipe book,technical manual, fiction - all in one book driven byValeria Margherita Mosca. A new look at mixing as a critical and cultural act, beneficial for the planet thanks toforaging and gastronomic experimentation. Imagine tasty trips. Preface byMassimo Bottura, introduction by Davide Paolini. Mondadori publisher.

With who we have already collaborated?​

Wooding Wild Food Lab he collaborated with many partnersages that have put environmental sustainability at the center of their operations. Each customer has thus become our partner to pursue and disseminate a new approach to the protection of the environment, biodiversity and ecosystems, pushing us beyond theconcept of environmental sustainability by welcoming bio-generative and conservative intentions and practices. 

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